My primary stream of research involves non-invasive assessment of affective and cognitive states. Prior research as investigated many approaches for technology assisted assessment of affect and cognitive load including functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), eye tracking, monitoring electrodermal activity (EDA) and electroencephalography (EEG). While these approaches have given great insight to cognitive processes involved in affect and cognition, the deployment of these techniques is limited as they require specialized hardware that is not widely deployed and may be prohibitively expensive, require cooperation from the individual being observed, and interfere with natural use cases.
My research takes a novel approach to addressing these problems by using changes in HCI behavior as an indicator of cognitive changes. By using techniques known as keystroke dynamics (KD) and mouse dynamics (MD) we are able to capture physiological features that may be of similar diagnostic value to the aforementioned techniques using inexpensive, ubiquitous hardware (i.e., the computer keyboard and mouse), while simultaneously facilitating real time monitoring via software in a manner that is completely transparent to the user. This has a wide range of practical applications including facilitating affective computing, improving user satisfaction, and assessing credibility in online communications.
A second area I work in involves using concepts from JDM such as heuristics and biases to influence information systems use. This work suggests that by making small changes to information systems it may be possible to encourage significant changes in user behavior. As this work continues to evolve, I have plans to integrate it with my HCI work to create adaptive systems that are able to more effectively meet the needs and desires of users.
You can download my official research statement here.
Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, G. M., Giboney, J. S. (2020). The impact of chatbot conversational skill on engagement and perceived humanness. Journal of Management Information Systems, 37 (3), 875-900
Jenkins, J. L., Proudfoot, J. G., Valacich, J. S., Grimes, G. M. & Nunamaker, J. F. (2019). Sleight of Hand: Identifying Concealed Information by Monitoring Mouse-Cursor Movements. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, 20(1), 1-32
Grimes, M., Marquardson, J. (2019). Quality matters: Evoking subjective norms and coping appraisals by system design to increase security intentions. Decision Support Systems, Volume 119, 23-34.
Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, G. M., Giboney, J. S. (2019). The effect of responsive automated conversational agents on perceptions and behavior during deception. Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 97, 250-259.
Schuetzler, R. S., Giboney, J. S., Grimes, G. M., Nunamaker, J. F. (2018). The influence of conversational agent embodiment and conversational relevance on socially desirable responding. Decision Support Systems, Volume 114(2018), 94-102.
Marquardson, J. M., Grimes, G. M. (2018). Supporting Better Decisions: How Order Effects Influence Decision Support System Alignment. Interacting with Computers, 30(6), 469-479.
Jenkins, J. L., Grimes, M., Proudfoot, J. G., & Lowry, P. B. (2013). Improving Password Cybersecurity Through inexpensive and Minimally Invasive Means: Detecting and Deterring Password Reuse Through Keystroke-Dynamics Monitoring and Just-in-Time Fear Appeals. Information Technology for Development, 20(2), 196-213.
Conference Proceedings
Schuetzler, R. S., Grimes, G. M., Giboney, J. S. (2018). An Investigation of Conversational Agent Relevance, Presence, and Engagement. Twenty-fourth Americas Conference on Information Systems. New Orleans, LA. August 16-18, 2018.
Schuetzler, R. S., Giboney, J. S., Grimes, G. M., Nunamaker, J. F. (2018). The Influence of Conversational Agents on Socially Desirable Responding. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Hawaii, Hawaii. January 3-6, 2018.
Grimes, G. M., Valacich, J. S. (2015). Mind Over Mouse: The Effect of Cognitive Load on Mouse Movement Behavior. International Conference on Information Systems. Fort Worth, TX. December 13-16, 2015.
Schuetzler, R., Grimes, G. M., Giboney, J., Buckman, J. (2014). Facilitating Natural Conversational Agent Interactions: Lessons from a Deception Experiment. International Conference on Information Systems. Auckland, New Zealand. December 14-17, 2014.
Grimes, G. M., Marquardson, J., & Nunamaker, J. F. (2014). Broken Windows, Bad Passwords: Influencing Secure User Behavior via Website Design. Americas Conference on Information Systems. Savannah, GA. August 7-10, 2014.
Grimes, G. M., Jenkins, J. L., & Valacich, J. S. (2013). Exploring the Effect of Arousal and Valence on Mouse Interaction. International Conference on Information Systems. Milan, Italy. December 15-18, 2013.
*Nominated for best paper award, HCI Track
Grimes, M., Dror, M. (2013). Observations on Strategies for Goofspiel. IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. August 11-13, 2013.
Grimes, G. M., Jenkins, J. L., & Valacich, J. S. (2013). Assessing Credibility by Monitoring Changes in Typing Behavior: The Keystroke Dynamics Deception Detection Model. Symposium on Credibility Assessment and Information Quality in Government and Business, 46th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. Maui, Hawaii. January 7-10, 2013.
Technical Reports
Grimes, Mark, Elyse Golob, Alexandra Durcikova, and Jay Nunamaker. 2013. Reasons and Resolve to Cross the Line: A Post-Apprehension Survey of Unauthorized Immigrants along the U.S.-Mexico Border. Tucson, Arizona: National Center for Border Security and Immigration (BORDERS). Download
Research Grants
Credibility Assessment on the Go: Evaluating a Tablet-Based Concealed Information Test
Justin Giboney, Mark Grimes, Jim Marquardson, Jeffrey Proudfoot
$40,000 – Awarded May 2014, Center for Identification Technology Research
Lie to me, Chatterbot Style
Joey Buckman, Justin Giboney, Mark Grimes, Ryan Schuetzler, Judee Burgoon
$40,000 – Awarded May 2013
Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR)
Detecting Impostership though Soft Biometrics and Cognitive Metrics
Judee Burgoon, Joe Valacich, Nathan Twyman, Jeffrey Proudfoot, Mark Grimes, Stephanie Schuckers
$55,000 – Awarded January 2013
Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR)
Mobile Interviewing Agents
Ryan Schuetzler, Justin Giboney, Mark Grimes, Jim Marquardson, David Wilson
$50,000 – Awarded January 2013
Center for Identification Technology Research (CITeR)
Post Apprehension Survey of Illegal Immigrants
Jay F. Nunamaker, Elyse Golob, Alexandra Durcikova, Mark Grimes, Mary Burns
$496,928 – Awarded September, 2011
Department of Homeland Security Office of Immigration Statistics
Overview: In this project I managed data collection, analysis, documentation, and presentation of results. This project consisted of interviewing over 1,000 apprehended illegal immigrants, managing a staff of seven bilingual interviewers, and interacting with border patrol agents and officials on a daily basis.